"Nations crumble from within when the citizenry
asks of government those things which
the citizenry might better provide for itself. ...
[I] hope we have once again reminded people that
man is not free unless government is limited.
There's a clear cause and effect here that
is as neat and predictable as a law of physics:
As government expands, liberty contracts."
~ Ronald Reagan [40th President of United States of America]
![]() Welcome to Conservatives At War! I have developed this site for all the great American conservatives. We must stand up and fight for our unalienable Rights, for the United States Constitution, and for our conservative values. We must keep a watchful eye over our Government and our "Leaders". We must support them when they are right, and we must fight them when they don't support our views, values, and principles. "Governments are institued among Men, deriving thier powers from the consent of the governed...." I hope you find this site a great place for information, talking points, and most of all a place to vent and share your thoughts. This website includes: "Conservatives At War Blog Page" for you to share your thoughts and comments (Libs are welcome), Back to the Basics (The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, The James Madison Notes on the Constitutional Convention, and The United States Constitution, a memorial page for fallen police officers, and suggested interesting readings. This website is for you as much as it is me! God bless ourArmed Forces, Police Officers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Professionals. I salute you and all great Americans! Thank you for visiting and enjoy! Michael Kmiecik "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing!" - Albert Einstein Where Conservatives Come to Talk My favorite conservative talk show hosts, you may also enjoy! | From You Tube - Glenn Beck: $1 Million Insurance Policy to Own Gun (in Illinois) From CNN: Clinton Calls for Stricter Antartic Tourism Limits From the DailyMail.co.uk: Obamas Fly Chef 860 Miles - Just to Make Pizza From the LID: GM Bankruptcy: Major Win for UAW, Loss for Tax Payers From BreitBart.com: Obama to allow travel, money transfers to Cuba As always, our hearts go out to the families of fallen police officers. We pray for the families of the three- victim police officers of the Pittsburgh [PA] Police Department and the Pittsburgh Police Department as they grieve their lost, loved warrior police officers. Memorial: Pittsburgh Officer Eric Kelly Memorial: Pittsburgh Officer Stephen Mayhle Memorial: Pittsburgh Officer Paul Sciullo III ** Note: Current Areas of Interest has moved to it's own page, due to the growing demand for information. Only the most current articles can be seen on this page!![]() |